Stop climate change


CLIMATE ACTION SDG LABORATORY (CASLAB) is a participatory learning organization, dedicated to climate change adaption, biodiversity conservation and community livelihood development, as well as documentation of indigenous knowledge and technical innovations related to resource governance at community levels.

who we are

CASLab is a participatory learning organization, dedicated to climate change adaption, biodiversity conservation and community livelihood development, as well as documentation of indigenous knowledge and technical innovations related to resource governance at community levels. The organization was established in 2019 as a non-profit organization based on the second Paris Peace Forum, at present, it includes Mentsunmo Climate Action SDG Laboratory in the eastern Himalaya of China and Nganyi Climate Action SDG Laboratory in Vihiga County, Kenya.

Our 6 main activities


Mentsunmo Climate Action Laboratory

Nganyi Climate Action SDG Laboratory

Paris Peace

24 Hours
of Reality


our team

Prof. & Dr. YIN

founder and director of the CASLab

Prof. & Dr. YIN Lun is the founder and director of the CASLab, he is Ethno-Ecologist of Bai ethnic minority background in Kunming, Yunnan Province of China.


founder of the

Miss. ZHANG Xiaohan is the founder of the CASLab, leader of Youth Climate Action Team in CASLab. ZHANG Xiaohan is originally from Tibetan people in Yunnan Province.


founder of the

MISIANI Zachary MSc. is the founder of the CASLab, programme director of Nganyi Climate Action SDG Laboratory. He is a Senior Meteorologist, GIS and Remote Sensing expert.

Mrs. Antonina

leader of Women Climate Action Team in CASLab

Antonine Sayo received her Bachelor’s Degree in Meteorology from South Eastern Kenya University-SEKU, (2019), leader of Women Climate Action Team in CASLab.

Mr. Mwai

project officer of Nganyi Climate Action SDG Laboratory

Mr. Mwai Zacharia is the group member of the CASLab and project officer of Nganyi Climate Action SDG Laboratory. He is a Principal Meteorologist dealing.

What we say

We strive for excellence. We believe in character, competence, commitment and creativity. We work as teams in an interdisciplinary mode. We believe in mutual knowledge, mutual trust, mutual respect and mutual support. We respect the diversity of cultures and societies. We believe in inter-cultural communication among ourselves and with others. We believe that humans, with their cultural diversity, are an integral component of nature.

We believe that in addition to the current Covid-19 crisis, women are also facing threats and challenges from global crises such as climate change and biodiversity loss. So, in the next five years, the main priority of our project is to continue to carry out various gender-based action projects in three project areas, including responding to covid-19 crisis, responding to and adapting to climate change, and protecting biodiversity.




Arctic summer sea ice could disappear as early as 2035