Stop climate change

Climate Action SDG Laboratory(CASLab)

97% of climate experts agree.
We humans are causing climate crisis.

A lion cub on the plains of the Kenya, green grass in the background


CASLab is a participatory learning organization, dedicated to climate change adaption, biodiversity conservation and community livelihood development, as well as documentation of indigenous knowledge and technical innovations related to resource governance at community levels. The organization was established in 2019 as a non-profit organization based on the second Paris Peace Forum, at present, it includes Mentsunmo Climate Action SDG Laboratory in the eastern Himalaya of China and Nganyi Climate Action SDG Laboratory in Vihiga County, Kenya.


CASLab aims to explore alternative adaption and development approaches for climate change, and working directly with indigenous people and local communities to enhance their livelihoods and maintain cultural and biological diversity through application of indigenous cosmovision, knowledge, and innovative technology in the environment of rapid change and uncertainty faced by indigenous people and local communities around the world.

CASLab also works to promote local and regional inter-sectorial and intercultural dialogue and communication among rural communities, NGOs, academia and governmental agencies. For this purpose, it conducts interdisciplinary research, facilitation for participatory development, consultation for cultural identity, networking for information sharing, and capacity building for climate governance and livelihood development.


At CASLab, we envision a future in indigenous people and local communities where:

We live in a democratic, ecologically and culturally diverse society, in which the livelihoods and resources of indigenous people and local communities are respected, improved and sustainably managed through equitable, harmonious partnerships among government and civil society stakeholders.



To work toward our vision, our mission statement is as follows:

CASLab enables indigenous people and local communities to strengthen their evolving cultural traditions and generate innovative ways to improve their adaptability of climate change and enhance biodiversity through interdisciplinary research, capacity building, and participatory approaches for nurturing intercultural dialogue among people of varying local and scientific cultures, languages and knowledge systems.


In response to our newly articulated vision and mission, we have formulated four main goals for CASLab


Improve the capabilities of indigenous people and local communities for sustainable livelihoods and the well-being of human and non-human residents of mountain watersheds.


Generate environmentally sound and sociocultural adapted knowledge for managing and conserving natural and cultural resources.


Enhance the capacity of committed researchers and development workers for interdisciplinary research, facilitation, documentation and dissemination in partnership with indigenous people and local communities.


Offer means and methods for bridging between knowledge systems, political systems and cultures to contribute to a society of intercultural, intersectoral and interdisciplinary dialogue and cooperation.


  • We strive for excellence. We believe in character, competence, commitment and creativity.

  • We work as teams in an interdisciplinary mode. We believe in mutual knowledge, mutual trust, mutual respect and mutual support.

  • We respect the diversity of cultures and societies. We believe in inter-cultural communication among ourselves and with others.

  • We believe that humans, with their cultural diversity, are an integral component of nature.
Red deer, cervus elaphus, looking in forest in springtime nature. Wild stag with growing antlers standing in woodland. Brown mammal observing in wood environment.


For a diversity society and
living planet tomorrow, WE:

Go to the people;

Live among them;

Learn from them;

Plan with them;

Work with them;

We are led by the people;

Learning by doing

Sharing by showing

Transforming by communication.

Team members