For many generations, the Nganyi community has used indigenous knowledge and skillsto predict correctly impending rainfall extremes including floods, droughts and associatedfamines that have ravaged the area in the past. The community has developed andaccumulated skill and knowledge that help them to scan the environment for relevantindicators of rainfall. Nganyi Indigenous Knowledge-IK rainfall prediction is neither mythology nor witchcraft;rather, it is a corpus of ideas that can be studied, understood and protected as a valuableresource. Some of these events have shaped and reinforced the beliefs of the communityin the rituals that are performed as integral component of the rainfall prediction process.
The Nganyi community is a sub-clan of the larger Abasiekwe clan of Bunyore. They arefound largely in West Bunyore Location, Emuhaya sub-county of Vihiga County inwestern Kenya with several smaller sub-clans dispersed in other parts of Bunyore andbeyond, spreading into the neighboring Nyanza region. Wherever they have moved, the Nganyi sub-clans have not abandoned the rain monitoring and prediction practices.